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“Acting is behaving truthfully under imaginary circumstances and The gratification comes in the doing, not in the results.”

Best Acting Skill Course in Kolkata

Get the best Acting course in Kolkata in terms of Class to become a good Actor/Actresses by learning both Practical & Theory from the best knowledgeable and Professional faculties of “Skill Development Institute of Film and Technology”.

Acting is an activity in which a story is told by means of its enactment by an Actor /Actress who adopt a character, do you think this skill is intrinsic? Or its knowledge is obtainable by practice? well many peoples are bit confused on this issue.

Acting has evolved with the time from Yatra – Theatre – Cinema – Web series etc. All the mediums are unique in their own, and performances are executed depending on their respective techniques, formulas & Process. It doesn’t matter either you have some innate skill or not buy if you have some dedication to be an Actor/Actress then you can easily get the success in today’s mediums like – Cinema, Serials, Web series etc. with proper training and guidance by highly educated professional & experienced facilities of IIFT. This is such an institution where you’ll get world class training with proper guidance in a friendly & familiar &environment to reach your dream destination.

Offline Acting Skill Course

  • Course Mode – Offline
  • Course Duration – 6 Months
  • Class Schedule – Saturday/Sunday
  • Class Duration – 1.5 hours each
  • Course fees – 70, 000 /- 35,000/-
  • Installment: 2,000 + 13,000 + ( 5,000 x 4months ) = 35,000/-

Online Acting Skill Course

  • Course Mode – Offline
  • Course Duration – 6 Months
  • Class Schedule – Saturday/Sunday
  • Class Duration – 1.5 hours each
  • Course fees – 50, 000 /- 25,000/-
  • Installment: 2,000 + 8,000 + ( 5,000 x 3months ) = 25,000/-

To Begin with – Semester 1

• History & Development of acting • Development of Acting techniques • Physiology of human emotions • Speech therapy • Breathing control • Body language • Looking techniques (Characters & Audience) • Procedure of Acting on different mediums (Theater, Television, Cinema, Radio, Social media reels) • Imagination through Observation • Classical Acting • Method Acting – Stanislavsky system, • Action & Reaction (timing & throwing) • Voice Acting (Sight reading & radio Drama)

In Addition to – Semester 2

• Understanding the story, Sequence, Scene & shot • Reading, Understanding & memorizing the script • Breakdown of scenes ( Shot Division) • Various camera angels, movements & shots with basic lighting • Different cinematic composition, blocking and businesses • Introduction of human psychology • Characterization • Mime exercises • Improvisation- Creating a role • song picturizations • various editing styles • Fitness training and proper dieting • Grooming and personality Development • Audition techniques • Different approach for different medium – cinema ,serials & web series etc.

In Addition to – Semester 2

• Cinema Session (Screening & analysis of various type of film, serials, web series • Dubbing Practice • Rehearsal for Diploma Film • Makeup • Acting in front of the camera • Professional Show reel.

Explore Our Other Courses

Photography Program

    • Course Duration – 6Months
    • Offline fees – 35, 000 /-
    • Online fees – 25, 000 /-
    • Easy NO COST EMI Available

Cinematography Program

    • Course Duration – 6Months
    • Offline fees – 40, 000 /-
    • Online fees – 30, 000 /-
    • Easy NO COST EMI Available

Film Direction Program

    • Course Duration – 6Months
    • Offline fees – 40, 000 /-
    • Online fees – 30, 000 /-
    • Easy NO COST EMI Available

Film Editing Program

    • Course Duration – 6Months
    • Offline fees – 40, 000 /-
    • Online fees – 30, 000 /-
    • Easy NO COST EMI Available

Film Making Program

    • Course Duration – 6Months
    • Offline fees – 65, 000 /-
    • Online fees – 55, 000 /-
    • Easy NO COST EMI Available

Script Writing Program

    • Course Duration – 6Months
    • Offline fees – 35, 000 /-
    • Online fees – 25, 000 /-
    • Easy NO COST EMI Available

Dance and Yoga Program

    • Course Duration – 6Months
    • Offline fees – 15, 000 /-
    • Online fees – 10, 000 /-
    • Easy NO COST EMI Available

New World, New Skills, To Develop A Better World, A Better You..!

New Course will Start from July