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Film Direction

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"A film is never really good unless the camera is an eye in the head of a poet" Director the Captain of The Ship...

Best Film Direction Skill Course

Get the best Film Direction course in Kolkata in terms of Class to become a good Film Director by learning both Practical & Theory from the best knowledgeable and Professional faculties of “Skill Development Institute of Film and Technology”.

The most important part of filmmaking is Direction and The Director is called as Captain of the ship. Human, their various characters, ceaseless movement, Nature and its glorious beauty, everything around the society is reflecting in motion pictures with their various aspects, are written based upon film language and followed with the aid of cinematography then finalizing on the table of an editor express a different forms altogether in which hides the artistic efficiency of a successful director, A good director can make the audience emotional & delighted quiet easily by admiring his/her technical skill with creativity, Whereas the director is getting trained at a world class level by SDIFT to explore his/her aesthetical sense & technological abilities with the world of cinema. After completing the course there is a huge opportunity to become a successful representative of this respective medium with the placement assistance of SDIFT.

Offline Film Direction Skill Course

  • Course Mode – Offline
  • Course Duration – 6 Months
  • Class Schedule – Saturday/Sunday
  • Class Duration – 1.5 hours each
  • Course fees – 80, 000 /- 40,000/-
  • Installment: 2,000 + 13,000 + ( 5,000 x 5months ) = 40,000/-

Online Film Direction Skill Course

  • Course Mode – Offline
  • Course Duration – 6 Months
  • Class Schedule – Saturday/Sunday
  • Class Duration – 1.5 hours each
  • Course fees – 60, 000 /- 30,000/-
  • Installment: 2,000 + 13,000 + ( 5,000 x 3months ) = 30,000/-


To Begin with – Semester 1

• History and development of World cinema • Introduction of Cameras • Film grammar and Aesthetics • Technical & aesthetical way to make fiction & nonfiction script, screenplay and storyboarding • Introduction of camera angels, shots • Camera movement- Panning & Tilting, Track in & out, follow etc. • 180 degree rules • 30 degree rule • Depth of Field (DOF) • Different type of cinematic cut • Different type of cinematic continuity • Real-time & Screen Time • Reaction timing ,Pause • Perspective of shots (character & viewer) • Montage- Image & sound • shot division process

In Addition to – Semester 2

• Understanding and creating a virtual world through creative ideas • Screen movement & position • Use of shooting equipment and Lights • Creative and Dramatic composition • depending on scene mood • Introduction of human psychology • Casting – Body language and characterization of an actor • Concept of Art direction, Costume, Makeup, background music, etc. • Working with crew, DOP, Art director, makeup Artist, Music director, Producer, etc. • Location scouting • Film production process and design • Breakdown of Shooting Schedule • Budgeting of film • production management • Different type of editing process (Insert & Assemble edit) • Transition and effects • Basic of Fiction & Nonfiction editing related to direction • Practice session

End Up with – Semester 3

• Screening & analysis of national & international film and shot taking processes • introduction of special effects, 2D,3D, and 4D cinema • Film Distribution-Film marketing, Publicity & target audience • Practical project (Fiction film – Diploma film)

Explore Our Other Courses

Photography Program

    • Course Duration – 6Months
    • Offline fees – 35, 000 /-
    • Online fees – 25, 000 /-
    • Easy NO COST EMI Available

Cinematography Program

    • Course Duration – 6Months
    • Offline fees – 40, 000 /-
    • Online fees – 30, 000 /-
    • Easy NO COST EMI Available

Film Editing Program

    • Course Duration – 6Months
    • Offline fees – 40, 000 /-
    • Online fees – 30, 000 /-
    • Easy NO COST EMI Available

Film Making Program

    • Course Duration – 6Months
    • Offline fees – 65, 000 /-
    • Online fees – 55, 000 /-
    • Easy NO COST EMI Available

Script Writing Program

    • Course Duration – 6Months
    • Offline fees – 35, 000 /-
    • Online fees – 25, 000 /-
    • Easy NO COST EMI Available

Acting Program

    • Course Duration – 6Months
    • Offline fees – 35, 000 /-
    • Online fees – 25, 000 /-
    • Easy NO COST EMI Available

Dance and Yoga Program

    • Course Duration – 6Months
    • Offline fees – 15, 000 /-
    • Online fees – 10, 000 /-
    • Easy NO COST EMI Available

New World, New Skills, To Develop A Better World, A Better You..!

New Course will Start from July