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Script Writing

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“Once you crack the script, everything else follows because A good Script is the key for A Successful Film"

Best Script Writing Skill Course in Kolkata

Get the best Script Writing course in Kolkata in terms of Class to become a good Script Writer by learning both Practical & Theory from the best knowledgeable and Professional faculties of “Skill Development Institute of Film and Technology”.

A script is like a root of a film it contributes the real and valuable essence of a film without the script a film is like a rootless tree which can’t be stand properly and least chance to get into the successful club. It is very much necessary to take a proper training to absorb the wholeness of this respective art form. If an idea of a script is craving to get a shape by knocking your mind repeatedly then Skill Development Institute of Film and Technology is the ideal place to step in for a good Script writing Course where experienced faculties of the medium ensuring the best learning process as compared to any other institutes.

Offline Script Writing Skill Course

  • Course Mode – Offline
  • Course Duration – 6 Months
  • Class Schedule – Saturday/Sunday
  • Class Duration – 1.5 hours each
  • Course fees – 70, 000 /- 35,000/-
  • Installment: 2,000 + 13,000 + ( 5,000 x 4months ) = 35,000/-

Online Script Writing Skill Course

  • Course Mode – Offline
  • Course Duration – 6 Months
  • Class Schedule – Saturday/Sunday
  • Class Duration – 1.5 hours each
  • Course fees – 50, 000 /- 25,000/-
  • Installment: 2,000 + 8,000 + ( 5,000 x 3months ) = 25,000/-


To Begin with – Semester 1

• History and Development of World Cinema • Developing a creative mind – Art, society & culture • Communications skills development • Film making concept – Fiction, Non-fiction, Docu – feature • Story-telling through different medias • Introduction of cameras and Film aesthetics • Camera Movement (Panning & Tilting, Track in & out, Follow etc.) • Introduction of Camera angles, shots & type of cinematic cuts • Cinematic transition and effects.

In Addition to – Semester 2

• Basics of script writing • Elements of story • Structure of Script • Importance of conflict • Real-time & screen Time • Screen movement & position • Writing one liner, Synopsis & Treatment • Creating the main plot and the important sub • plots • Concept of Arts direction, Costume, Makeup, background music, etc. • Various editing styles – Montage – Image & Sound • Limitations & predictable budget of a script • Understanding and Creating virtual world through creative ideas • Scene Design • Developing Characters through scenes • Hero’s Journey myth and archetypes • writing dialogues and story boarding • script writing and analysis • comparing script with masterpieces.

In Addition to – Semester 2

• Screening and analysis of national and international film scripts • writing scripts after understanding and analyzing the film audience and market • Nonfiction Practical Projects.

Explore Our Other Courses

Photography Program

    • Course Duration – 6Months
    • Offline fees – 35, 000 /-
    • Online fees – 25, 000 /-
    • Easy NO COST EMI Available

Cinematography Program

    • Course Duration – 6Months
    • Offline fees – 40, 000 /-
    • Online fees – 30, 000 /-
    • Easy NO COST EMI Available

Film Direction Program

    • Course Duration – 6Months
    • Offline fees – 40, 000 /-
    • Online fees – 30, 000 /-
    • Easy NO COST EMI Available

Film Editing Program

    • Course Duration – 6Months
    • Offline fees – 40, 000 /-
    • Online fees – 30, 000 /-
    • Easy NO COST EMI Available

Film Making Program

    • Course Duration – 6Months
    • Offline fees – 65, 000 /-
    • Online fees – 55, 000 /-
    • Easy NO COST EMI Available

Acting Program

    • Course Duration – 6Months
    • Offline fees – 35, 000 /-
    • Online fees – 25, 000 /-
    • Easy NO COST EMI Available

Dance and Yoga Program

    • Course Duration – 6Months
    • Offline fees – 15, 000 /-
    • Online fees – 10, 000 /-
    • Easy NO COST EMI Available

New World, New Skills, To Develop A Better World, A Better You..!

New Course will Start from July