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Web Development

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“What separates design from art is that design is meant to be… functional.”

Best Web Design and Development Skill Course in Kolkata

“Learn the skills and technologies to create stunning and functional websites with our web design and development training course. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced designer, this course will teach you the tools and techniques you need to design and develop websites from scratch.
From HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to responsive design, accessibility, and WordPress, you’ll learn how to create visually appealing and user-friendly websites that are optimized for the web. Our expert instructors will guide you through hands-on exercises and real-world projects, and you’ll have the opportunity to apply what you’ve learned to your own designs.
Our web design and development training course covers the latest tools and software in the industry, such as Adobe Dreamweaver, Visual Studio Code, and WordPress, and you’ll learn how to use these tools to bring your designs to life. You’ll also learn about web design trends, best practices, and how to build a successful career in web design and development.
Enroll now and join the thousands of students who have already transformed their lives and improved their web design and development skills with our training course.”

Offline Fee Structure

  • Course Mode – Offline
  • Course Duration – 3 Months
  • Class Schedule – Tuesday – Friday
  • Class Duration – 1 hours each
  • Course fees – 70, 000 /- 35,000/-
  • Installment: 2,000 + 13,000 + ( 10,000 x 2months ) = 35,000/-

Online Fee Structure

  • Course Mode – Offline
  • Course Duration – 3 Months
  • Class Schedule – Tuesday – Friday
  • Class Duration – 1 hours each
  • Course fees – 50, 000 /- 25,000/-
  • Installment: 2,000 + 13,000 + ( 5,000 x 2months ) = 25,000/-

Course Syllabus

To Begin With – SEMESTER 1

Web Design Fundamentals
•Introduction to Web Design •Understanding the principles of web design •Importance of user-centered design •Overview of web design tools and software •HTML and CSS Basics •Introduction to HTML structure and tags •CSS styling and layout techniques •Building a basic webpage with HTML and CSS •Responsive Web Design •Principles of responsive design •Media queries and fluid grids •Creating mobile-friendly layouts •Introduction to JavaScript •Basics of JavaScript programming •Adding interactivity to web pages •Implementing JavaScript libraries like JQuery •Assessment and Project
Assessment on topics covered
Hands-on project: Design a responsive website using HTML, CSS, and basic JavaScript

In Addition To – SEMESTER 2

Advanced Design and Front-end Development
•Advanced CSS Techniques •CSS animations and transitions •Flexbox and CSS Grid layout •Creating visually appealing UI elements •UI/UX Design Principles
•Understanding user interface (UI) vs. user experience (UX) •Designing user-centric interfaces •Conducting usability testing and feedback •Front-end Frameworks (Bootstrap) •Introduction to Bootstrap framework •Building responsive and grid-based layouts with Bootstrap •Customizing Bootstrap components •Web Accessibility and Best Practices •Importance of web accessibility standards •Designing for all users: disabilities and inclusivity •Implementing accessibility features in websites •Assessment and Project
Assessment on advanced design and front-end topics
Hands-on project: Develop an interactive web application using Bootstrap and JavaScript

Further More – SEMESTER 3

Back-end Development and Full Stack Integration
•Introduction to Back-end Development •Basics of server-side programming (Node.js or PHP) •Understanding databases (MySQL or MongoDB) •Setting up a local development environment •Building Dynamic Websites with PHP/MySQL •Creating dynamic web pages with PHP •Connecting to and querying a MySQL database •Implementing user authentication and sessions •Full Stack Development with Node.js/MongoDB •Introduction to Node.js and Express framework •Building RESTful APIs with Node.js •Integrating MongoDB for data storage •Version Control with Git •Basics of version control and Git •Collaborative development with GitHub
•Branching, merging, and resolving conflicts •Final Assessment and Capstone Project
Final assessment on back-end development and full stack integration
Capstone project: Develop and deploy a full-fledged web application from scratch

Digital Marketing

    • Course Duration – 3Months, Offline / Online
    • fees – 35, 000 /-
    • Online fees – 25, 000 /-
    • Easy NO COST EMI Available

Graphic Design

    • Course Duration – 3Months, Offline / Online
    • fees – 35, 000 /-
    • Online fees – 25, 000 /-
    • Easy NO COST EMI Available

YouTube Advance

    • Course Duration – 3Months, Offline / Online
    • fees – 15, 000 /-
    • Online fees – 10, 000 /-
    • Easy NO COST EMI Available

New World, New Skills, To Develop A Better World, A Better You..!

New Course will Start from July