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The best thing about YouTube is that anyone can do it, and that's exactly what you'll do...

Python Programming Skill Course In Kolkata

Get the best Python Programming course in Kolkata in terms of Class to become a good Coder by learning both Practical & Theory from the best knowledgeable and Professional faculties of “Skill Development Institute of Film and Technology”.

Welcome to Python Programming Course by Skill Development Institute Of Film and Technology (SDIFT). This comprehensive course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed as a professional coder. Whether you’re just starting or looking to take your skill to the next level, this course has something for everyone.

Offline Fee Structure

  • Course Duration – 3 Months
  • Class Schedule – Tuesday – Friday
  • Class Duration – 1 hours each
  • Course fees – 30, 000 /- 15,000/-
  • Installment: 02,000 + 3,000 + ( 5,000 x 2months ) = 15,000/-

Online Fee Structure

  • Course Duration – 3 Months
  • Class Schedule – Tuesday – Friday
  • Class Duration – 1 hours each
  • Course fees – 20, 000 /- 10,000/-
  • Installment: 02,000 + 3,000 + ( 5,000 x 1month ) = 10,000/-

Course Syllabus

To Begin with – Semester 1

• Module 1: Introduction to YouTube Content Creation
1. Understanding the YouTube platform
2. Identifying your niche and target audience
3. Setting clear goals and objectives for your channel

• Module 2: Content Strategy and Planning
1. Developing a content calendar
2. Crafting engaging video ideas
3. Script writing and story boarding

• Module 3: Pre-production Essentials
1. Equipment and software for YouTube
2. Lighting, audio, and video quality
3. Location scouting and setup

• Module 4: Filming Techniques
1. Camera operation and composition
2. Interview and talking-head techniques
3. B-roll and cutaway shots

In Addition to – Semester 2

• Module 5: Editing and Post-production
1. Video editing software
2. Editing workflow and techniques
3. Adding music, graphics, and text

• Module 6: SEO and Video Optimization
1. Keyword research and video titles
2. Video descriptions and tags
3. Thumbnails and click-through rate (CTR) optimization

• Module 7: Channel Growth Strategies
1. Building a loyal subscriber base
2. Collaborations and cross-promotions
3. Engaging with your audience

• Module 8: Monetization and Revenue Streams
1. YouTube Partner Program and AdSense
2. Merchandise, affiliate marketing, and sponsorships
3. Crowdfunding and fan support

End up with – Semester 3

• Module 9: Analytics and Performance Tracking
1. Understanding YouTube Analytics
2. Tracking audience engagement
3. Adjusting your strategy based on data

• Module 10: Legal and Copyright Considerations
1. Copyright infringement and fair use
2. Protecting your content
3. YouTube’s community guidelines

• Module 11: Advanced Techniques and Trends
1. Live streaming and Premiere events
2. 360-degree and VR videos
3. Staying updated with YouTube’s algorithm

• Module 12: Launching and Scaling Your Channel
1. Building a brand and identity
2. Scaling your content production
3. Long-term sustainability and success

Explore Our Other Courses

Graphic Design

    • Course Duration – 3Months, Offline / Online
    • fees – 35, 000 /-
    • Online fees – 25, 000 /-
    • Easy NO COST EMI Available

Web Development

    • Course Duration – 3Months, Offline / Online
    • fees – 35, 000 /-
    • Online fees – 25, 000 /-
    • Easy NO COST EMI Available

Digital Marketing

    • Course Duration – 3Months, Offline / Online
    • fees – 35, 000 /-
    • Online fees – 25, 000 /-
    • Easy NO COST EMI Available

New World, New Skills, To Develop A Better World, A Better You..!

New Course will Start from July